Epicor Prophet 21 ERP Portal Developers
Epicor Prophet 21® Wholesale Distribution Software - Portal Designer Services
If you've purchased the P21 Portal Designer product, we can assist you with your Prophet 21® Portal Designer® projects. Our portal design expert has extensive experience in developing and implementing 100's of custom portals, tailored to support daily Prophet 21 users and provide quick summaries for senior management.
Popular Portal Requests:
Unconfirmed Pick Tickets
Open Purchase Orders (with detailed information)
Customer Part Number Cross Reference
A/R and A/P Aged Trail Balance
Total Branch Sales Summary (including multi-branch environments)
Your Business Needs:
Quick Data Access: Rapid access to your data.
Business-Specific Information: Viewing information tailored to your business needs.
User-Friendly Inquiries: Providing meaningful, easy-to-review inquiries with minimal prompting.
Data Control: Controlling and limiting data availability to users.
Summary and Detail Views: Offering summary level information with the ability to expand for greater detail.
Important KPIs: Quick visibility of key performance indicators to manage your business.
User Requirements:
Fast Screen Access: Quickly open inquiry or transaction screens based on the data viewed.
Data Sorting: Sort information on the screen to prioritize important results.
Spreadsheet Export: Save data into spreadsheets.
Accessible Help and Procedures: Instant access to help and operating procedures.
Achieving Efficiency with DynaChange Portals®:
Epicor’s Prophet 21 DynaChange Portals® is a powerful add-on to the Prophet 21® software package. It presents your business data in a customizable format, leading to greater efficiencies, fewer errors, better customer service, and enhanced visibility for managing the business at all levels.
Previous Developed Portals:
A/P ATB: Accounts Payable - Age Trail Balance inquiry screen, highlighting top priority suppliers.
A/R ATB: Accounts Receivable - Age Trail Balance inquiry screen, highlighting top priority customers.
Invoicing Review: Summary of all invoicing for a specified date for quick and easy review.
Sales Dashboard: A comprehensive dashboard for managing sales.
Customer Part Numbers: Cross-reference of customer part numbers to your part numbers.
Customer Sales Trends: Summary of customer buying trends over the last twelve months.
Sales Charts and Comparisons: Monthly and yearly sales comparisons in a side-by-side bar chart presentation.
Inventory Management:
Inventory Position: Summary of inventory position with recent customer usage trends.
PO Summary by Buyer: Summary of purchase orders launched by buyers, detailing items, quantities, and expenses.
Suppliers by Product Groups: Search by product group suppliers that sell specified product group items.
Supplier Items and Inventory: Review items previously purchased from suppliers, current inventory position, and recent usage.
PO Receipts: Summary of inbound purchase orders.
PO to SO Summary: Cross-reference of inbound purchase orders with sales orders and required dates.
Unconfirmed Pick Tickets: Summary view of open pick tickets.
Transfers To/From: Summary of open inbound and outbound transfers.
Production Orders Summary: Summary of open production orders.
Contact us to discuss how we can assist with your P21 Portal Designer projects. We appreciate the opportunity to be, or to become, your Partner-in-P21.
Recent Portal Example: Order Approval Portal
This application allows sales reps and management to review and approve orders in P21 from a simple web portal. This will flag each order by the order amount and place them into approval buckets. Approved by dollar amount 5k,10k,15k,20k, etc. This solution tracks who approves it and when.
Please contact us if we can help -or- be a resource in your P21 Portal Designer Adventures!
We appreciate the opportunity to be (or to become) your Partner-in-P21!

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