Epicor Prophet 21 ERP Job Contract Pricing Portal
Epicor Prophet 21® Wholesale Distribution Software - Job Contract Pricing Portals for P21 System Users
The main purpose of the job contract pricing portal is to allow users to import and update customer contracts. The portal gives users the ability to bulk import/update contracts, which creates a much more streamlined alternative to managing contracts one by one.

Unique business logic was also built into the portal, eliminating any extraneous steps that typically would need to be done manually by users. One example of this unique business logic includes notifying the user of any duplicate contract items during import and allows them to select which lines to expire to avoid duplication.

In addition to its core functionality, the portal also generates custom reports that can be emailed on a schedule, as well as a dashboard to view a subset of data based on user inputted filters. This project has proven to be a HUGE time saver for users!

This is an EXAMPLE custom solution intended to be used to help spark ideas, suggestions for gathering project requirements for your specific business needs. If you have challenges in your Job Contracts Management or other P21 business processes, please contact us to discuss a solution.
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Please let us know if we can help with this type of solution and/or any other customer needs or challenges.