Epicor Prophet 21 ERP Automated Email Notifications
Epicor Prophet 21® Wholesale Distribution Software - Automated Customer Notifications, Email Marketing System Integrations
P21 Automated Email & Text Messaging Notifications
P21 Alerts have limitations. Along with integrating with CRMs and email marketing systems, we can help with custom communications via email and text messaging if needed.
Services we offer:
Simple Sync: Sync between Prophet 21 and email marketing platforms like Constant Contact to keep emails and contacts aligned, with a customer contact management portal for updating/adding/deleting contacts between systems.
Full Integration: Integration of CRM, eCommerce, P21, and other software systems to meet your specific needs.
Automated Email Processes: Set up processes to automatically email data from P21 to internal or external recipients, saving valuable time.
Custom Email Content: Emails can contain data within the body or as attached reports in any required format.
Examples of Applications:
External Communications: Customer & Supplier
AR Past Due Invoice Notice
Order Ready for Pickup Notice
Quoted Item Reminder
Resend Down-payment Invoices
Advance Ship Notice Upon Order Shipment
Auto Email Rebate/POS Reports to Suppliers
Internal Communications: Sales Staff & Management
List of Open Orders/Quotes
Expiring Pricing Notice
Backorder Item Received
Staff Scorecard Sent to Management
Project Examples:
Weekly Service Quote Emails: Automatically email PDF documents of open service quotes to customers weekly if the quote is older than 5 days and not closed or converted to an order. This process updates new UD fields in the service quote header notes with the date and time the email was sent.
Automatic Back Order Analysis and Customer Alerts: Custom process to use sales order and purchase order dates to determine which sales orders will be filled first by incoming purchase orders. Set up automatic emails to notify customers about their backorder items and include this information in order acknowledgements and P21 sales order alerts.
Customer Price Increase Notification Project: Identify customers affected by price increases, generate quotes for the items with price changes, create PDFs for each quote, and email the quotes with a message about the price increase to each customer.
Email Alerts Tokens Project: Added tokens to the “Purchasing - Purchase Order Entry/Generation” and “Inventory Management - Inventory Receipt (PO/Transfer)” Alert Maintenance Areas for additional data fields and recipient information.
Customer Testimonial:
"It was taking a long time to get our customers to approve tool repair quotes. Once our technicians estimated the tool, our repair admin priced out the quote and emailed it to the customer. With a steady stream of new tools being worked on every day, it was difficult for us to follow up with customers on the quotes we initially emailed. If the customer didn't respond to our initial quote, we were lucky to send the quote out again within 3 weeks.
Now that we've automated the process, our customers are receiving their quotes twice per week and responding faster. We are moving tools through our repair department at a faster rate, and our admins are able to focus on other areas of the tool repair process."
Heather V., from ITA
Sample Email Template:
Here’s a sample email template from an automated delivery notification project for Jergens Industrial Supply.
We appreciate the opportunity to be your Partner-in-P21!
Please let us know if we can help with this type of solution and/or any other customer needs or challenges.