Epicor Prophet 21 ERP Packing List and PO emailing tool
Epicor Prophet 21® Wholesale Distribution Software - Packing List and PO Emailing Tool for P21 System Users
Custom Packing List and Purchase Order Emailing Solution
Our custom solution simplifies the process of retrieving and emailing packing lists and purchase orders within the Epicor Prophet 21 system.
Key Features:
Document Retrieval: The tool retrieves any packing list or purchase order based on an order.
Document Attachment: Attaches or generates the necessary documents for the order.
Email Pre-Fill: Pre-fills an email with the relevant information, allowing the user to select the supplier contacts to send the email to.
Automatic Document Generation: If a PO or packing list is not found, the tool generates a new one, adds the document to the doc links in P21, and attaches it to the email.
Efficiency: Streamlines the process of managing and emailing packing lists and purchase orders.
Customization: Allows users to easily select supplier contacts and manage email communications.
Automation: Automatically generates missing documents and ensures they are correctly linked within the P21 system.
Custom Solutions:
This example custom solution is intended to help spark ideas and gather project requirements for your specific business needs. If you have challenges in managing packing lists, purchase orders, or other P21 business processes, please contact us to discuss a tailored solution.
Contact Us:
We appreciate the opportunity to be your Partner-in-P21! Let us know if we can help with this type of solution or any other customer needs or challenges.